
HongKong Emarketing:About Word Press

Word Press is a free, Web-based software program. Word Press is Open Source personal publishing system that anyone can use to build and maintain a Web Site, complex Blog or web log. It was originally intended as an easy way to set up a Blog. But, thanks to the efforts of a large "Open Source" community of Word Press programmers working to extend and improve its capabilities, Word Press has become much more than just a tool for Bloggers.

It's written in PHP and, Word Press offers intuitive administrative tools and sophisticated design features that make it easy to develop and integrate a personal or professional Blog on your Web Site.

Top Five Reasons to Use Word Press for Your Business Web Site

SEO – Word Press provides good search engine optimization (SEO) right out of the box.. Content – it is easy to update content on your website without knowing HTML. Extensions – There are free design themes and plug-ins, or the ability to extend your website with polls, contact forms, ratings or hundreds of other cool features without having to hire a web developer. Support – If you do have problems, or want to add very custom features, it is easy to find support and developers who can help you. One-click-installation – Quick installs are provided by many hosting providers. Open Source Software User Friendly

Word Press is one such advanced Blogging tool and it provides a rich set of features. Like WordPress Pages, WordPress Links, WordPress Themes, Cross- Blog communication tools, Comments, Spam protection, multiple authors, Typographical niceties, intelligent text formatting, Easy installation and upgrades, Easy Importing etc..

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